Muscle Sport Magazine

Anabolic Steroids Profile: Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)

Dennis Ong

By Leigh Penman – This is part of a continuing series provided exclusively by MuscleSport Magazine giving information on a variety of performance-enhancing drugs for educational purposes. While it is apparent that people are going to use these substances regardless of the health and legal risks involved, quality information is necessary and learning as much about them as possible can only assist an adult making a decision either way.

Deca Durabolin has a long history of use in the athletic community and remains to this day to be one of the most popular basic steroids in the steroid world. The popularity it enjoys stems from the fact that it has a very high anabolic activity and produces significant mass increases with relatively few side effects. It also produces less water retention, has less effect on blood pressure and is far less toxic to the liver and kidneys than most of its mass building buddies.

Another interesting quality is that it has the ability to improve collagen production and enhance bone mineral content. This makes it of particular importance to athletes with connective tissue problems and those who experience joint pains.

Of course it would be misleading to present Deca Durabolin as a drug completely free of side effects. When dosages go beyond 400-600mg/week sensitive individuals may see an increase in blood pressure, prolonged bleeding of cuts, increased oil production by the sebaceous gland (leading to slight acne breakouts), increased hostility, increased sex drive and a fall in sperm production. Headaches can also become more frequent. Oh, and of course we cannot overlook the fact that long-term use of this drug by male athletes can lead to impotence (counteracting the increased sex drive experienced when dosages are kept within limits and for acceptable duration).


As for female athletes, women can usually get away with a dose of up to 100mg/week without any major problems. However, virilization problems are always a concern when women use any anabolic substance as individual sensitivities differ. In that respect, deepening of the voice, increased body and facial hair growth and hypertrophy of the clitoris are all possible – though not inevitable.

As with all steroids, diet is very important for effectiveness to be maximized. Protein intake should be high, as should overall calorie intake if significant mass gains are to be experienced.


Deca Durabolin is commonly used in the range of 200 – 600 mg/week. Going past 600mg is not really advised (of course there are always going to be reports of bodybuilders hitting 800mg/week).

Most male athletes experience good results by taking 400mg/week and, if large gains in muscle mass are the primary goal then stacking with Dianabol and Testosterone is not unknown.

For female athletes 50-100mg/week is the commonly used dose and this is often combined with Winstrol tablets or Primobolan tablets.


In conclusion, Deca Durabolin is often used where problems with testosterone use have been encountered. It is less prone to aromatization and is deemed to produce an overall sense of well being.

One word of warning for those intending participating in drug tested events though, metabolites of this drug last in the body for 18 months (and possibly longer depending on body fat levels during use) so it should not be used if a drug tested contest is in the foreseeable future.

Leigh Penman, in addition to be a staff writer at MuscleSport Mag, has been writing for bodybuilding magazines, websites and nutritional supplement companies since 1985. Whilst residing in the UK, she earned the reputation of being one of the top female writers in bodybuilding-related media. Her credits included being a contributing editor on all the magazines in production as well as filling the shoes of Ladies Editor and Showbiz Editor on two publications (the later being on Arnold’s sanctioned magazine, ‘Bodypower’). During this time she also competed successfully on four occasions (placing in the top four in all contests).

Relocating to New York in the late 1990s she focused her writing attention to crystal healing techniques and metaphysics – however, she still maintained a five day workout schedule during this time and gained her personal training certificate.

Having also studied pharmacology in relation to sports performance, her writing began taking her in that direction until the present day which sees her embarking on a return to the magazine world, as well as extending her web-related work in the bodybuilding and fitness field.


Leigh has been working out for close to thirty years so she is clearly a writer who ‘walks her talk.’
She can be contacted personally at or you can also check her out at New York’s favorite metaphysical store

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