Muscle Sport Magazine

Top 4 Best Bodyweight Exercises for Shoulders

If you are looking for new shoulders exercises to add to your new bodyweight workout look no further. You can train them on their own or create a mixed training day to combine your leg exercises and shoulder exercises as they train two muscle groups that rarely work together. 

Therefore you can do a shoulder exercise while your legs are resting. But without further ado here are four exercises to include in your bodyweight shoulders workouts and if you want to know more about best bodyweight exercises for shoulders visit Smart Fitness Results.

Pike Pushup

Pike push ups are great, they are a fundamental exercise –  one of the most straightforward bodyweight exercises for the front shoulder. They mainly target the front deltoid muscles as well as the muscles of the upper chest and triceps.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat or lean forward and rest your hands on the floor. The palms should be shoulder-width apart, with the fingers pointing forward. It is good to put a folded towel between your hands – so that there is something soft where you will lower your head. Straighten your back and stretch your arms as an extension of the torso. Stretch your legs and stand on your toes. Adjust the legs to make an angle of no more than 90 ° with the torso. This is your starting position. 
  2. Tighten your abs, from the side, the body looks like an inverted letter V. Inhale without changing the body’s position, slowly lower your body by bending your arms at the elbows. With elbows open to the side, move your head in between your arms. The back and legs are kept straight. 
  3. Lower until your forehead almost touches the floor. Hold in the down position for a second. On the exhale, with a backward movement, stretch your arms and raise your body to the starting position. Hold for a moment (enough to stabilize the body) and continue to the next repetition. 

Aim to perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps. 

Handstand Walks

This movement is a lifting of the stretched body with steps to the wall and support on the arms. This is done by taking steps with your feet on the wall and at the same time bringing your body closer to it with your hands on the floor. You go down the same way. The shoulders and the whole body are perfectly loaded. The movement is performed separately and as a preparation for handstand and other exercises.

Stand perpendicular to a wall in a position as if you were performing pushups, the feet are pushed up against a wall. 

  1. In the starting position, your  arms should be placed under the shoulders, with the back straight and the body stretched in a line from head to toe.


  1. Without bending your back, start lifting yourself up by taking small steps with your feet on the wall.  At the same time, bring the body closer to the wall by moving with your hands backwards on the floor. The movement continues until the body is upright, in the handstand position. 


  1. There, hold for a second. Then, in the same manner, lower your body – at the same time taking steps with your hands and feet.


  1. Continue like this until you step on the floor with your feet. To keep the muscles constantly under tension, you can lower until the body is horizontal and do not rest your feet on the floor. This is one repetition.

In order not to fall during the movement, it is important to keep the muscles of the back and abdomen tight. Aim to do 3 sets of 10 reps.

The Handstand Against a Wall

The handstand is exceptionally useful – it strengthens the arms, shoulders, back and abdomen, practically loads the whole body, improves coordination and the ability to maintain balance. Here is how to perform a slightly easier handstand variation.

  1. Place your hands at a distance of 15-25 cm from the wall. The palms should be shoulder-width apart, then straighten your arms and shift your weight onto your arms. 


  1. Bend your knees and tense your body muscles. Place the knee of your stronger foot near the elbow of the same side  and step on the floor with your toes. Hold the other leg back. 


  1. Then push off with the strong leg off the floor while lifting the other leg. At the same time, you bounce off the floor with your strong foot and at the same time vigorously lift both feet above your body until your heels rest on the wall at the same time.  Stretch out your legs and hold.


Hold for a certain amount of time, depending on your fitness level. For example, a beginner would hold for around 10 seconds. When you are able to hold the position for more than 30 seconds, it’s time to move on to attempting the actual handstand. You can do that near a wall in order to stay safe.

Handstand Pushups Against A Wall

One of the most popular bodyweight shoulder exercises is full-fledged handstand pushups from a standing position, which train a large plethora of muscles – the shoulders, triceps, trapezius, chest muscles, forearms, elbows – practically the entire upper body. This option is performed with the legs propped against a wall, which does not reduce its effectiveness. 

  1. Your starting position is a handstand against a wall with straight arms and outstretched legs.


  1. Start by slowly bending your elbows and lowering your body. Lower until your head lightly touches the floor. Hold for a second. 


  1. Then slowly straighten your arms and push your body to the starting position. During the movement, keep your back straight and your head as a natural extension of the spine. 


Here are our recommendations based on your level of fitness- 

Beginner level – 1 series of 5 repetitions 

intermediate level – 2 sets of 10 repetitions  

Advanced level – 2 sets of 15 repetitions 

The most challenging part of this exercise is at the lower point. If you cannot do at least five repetitions with the full amplitude, reduce the amplitude and do not lower until you touch the floor with your head. Gradually increase the depth of the descent.

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