Muscle Sport Magazine

3 Weight Loss Tips Senior Citizens Should Check Out

Nearly 40% of Americans aged 51 and above are overweight. Do not worry because you are not the only one to be blamed for your current weight. Much of this is also because of the hormonal changes that occur as you get older. Aging leads to less growth hormone secretion, reduced responsiveness to thyroid hormone, and leptin resistance. All these hormonal changes account for the accumulation of fat and decrease in strength in senior citizens.

It is a fact that obesity puts people at risk of many chronic diseases. Some common ones include type 2 diabetes, strokes, high blood pressure, and cancer. Adults who do not actively focus on weight reduction can develop any of these diseases later in life. It might become even more difficult for people over 65 to try reducing weight because of a lower ability to exercise. Hence, it is better to start early.

This new journey might be confusing for a while. Your sudden entrance into this world can be both daunting and bewildering. All people on the internet must have a plethora of different pieces of advice for you. However, the correct guidance will only come from credible instructors and tried and tested programs. These routines will give you a clear direction with all the steps to follow. Sticking to a single routine like Pahla B’s program for weight loss over 50 will help you yield the desired results without any stress.

We have compiled a list of tips to kickstart this journey and make it easier for you.

  • Build A Workout Routine

Physical activity might be a problem for you in old age due to a lack of flexibility and strength. Spending time resting or sitting down seems much more appealing in such a scenario. But your routine must include some physical activity to maintain a healthy weight.

Some senior citizens have not worked out in a long time. You can begin with low-impact exercises that train your body to get used to physical activity. Some exercises improve your strength, flexibility, and balance without putting too much stress on your body. These include water aerobics, wrist band workouts, low-impact pilates, and walking. Try to renter the world of physical activity with these exercises.

Once comfortable with your movement and balance, you can focus on reducing weight and building muscles. These are important because the loss of muscles in old age leads to a lesser ability to metabolize protein. You can build muscles through bodyweight workouts and dumbbell strength training. As important as it is to work out, you should be careful while choosing the exercise you perform. Your body may be unable to handle activities requiring too much physical exertion. Doing this can also put you at risk of physical harm.

  • Focus On Your Dietary Habits

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about weight reduction is food intake. Remember that the key here is to not avoid food to reduce weight. It is to use food as a tool for a healthier body.

Your metabolism slows down by 10% each decade after 20 years of age. Although a slower metabolism does not have a significant role in making you gain weight, it greatly affects weight loss. A person with a slow metabolism will burn fewer calories while resting and working out. Therefore, they must either eat less or update their dietary habits to lose weight.

There is no specific food that can help you lose weight. However, there are some restrictions you can keep in mind for a healthy body. These include avoiding red meat, processed meats, refined sugar, and fried items. Opt for lean meat, fish, beans, leafy greens, and minimally processed foods like probiotic yogurt.

Make sure that your protein intake is high during the weight loss journey. Protein increases the number of calories burned from 80 to 100. Hence, aim for a protein intake of 1.6 grams and 2.2 grams per kilogram of your body weight.

  • Take Steps To Improve Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the process that is required to turn our food and water intake into energy. As discussed before, it plays a significant role in the weight loss journey of a person. A slower metabolism is associated with lesser burning of calories. It means that you will not see great results in weight loss even if you put in loads of physical effort. You can take the below-mentioned steps to boost your metabolic rate to help you burn calories faster.

  • Drink Cold Water: Opt for water instead of a sugary drink whenever you are thirsty. 0.5 liters of water increases resting metabolic rate by 10%-30% for an hour. It has also been found that drinking cold water helps burn calories faster. Your body uses energy to heat the cold water to its temperature.
  • Keep Moving: Try standing up every once in a while instead of sitting down for long periods.
  • Drink Green Tea: It turns the fat stored in your body to free fatty acids. This process increases fat burning.
  • Sleep Well: Sleep deprivation has adverse effects on your metabolism. It also increases your blood sugar levels and hunger hormones. Frequent hunger pangs will force you to eat more than you should. Hence, it’s vital to get proper sleep.
  • Drink Coffee: Coffee contains caffeine that can increase metabolism by 3%-11%. However, drinking too much coffee can interfere with your sleeping patterns. So, make sure you are following this step in moderation.



Losing weight is a long process. It requires both mental and physical effort to reach your desired results. While on this journey, ensure you have a positive attitude towards your body and weight. Do not get too obsessed with the idea of being slim. It will adversely affect your mental health. Instead, take this process as a journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Moreover, much of the success depends on the degree of motivation you have. Some days might be more difficult than others. You might also want to quit several times, but your desire to better your health must stay strong. Only then will you be able to get optimal results.

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